youtube-monetizationYou must have wondered about the impact of the setting in the tab "monetisation" on the revenues generated by your videos: you are right, because bad choices can decrease significantly your revenues.

Let's review the traps to avoid in order to get the best monetisation possible.


Here is a screenshot of the tab "Monetisation" for a video longer than 10 minutes. it is the best format for monetisation. videos shorter than 10 minutes only have the formats listed in "ads formats"

WARNING: go see trap#5 before inserting a midroll ("insert an add")


 Options Monetisation complete

Trap#1: i apply any kind of monetisation rule

monetisation rules influence on the behaviour of your video. Roughly speaking, your video can be blocked, traced or monetised in the entire world or in specific geographical zones.

Besides exceptions ( negociated distribution rights), always choose "Monetise in all countries" to get the best monetisation.


Trap#2: I tick all boxes

Caution! some options can cancel others. Depending on the ad campaign and the the consumption of the ad already made by the web users, ads formats can vary: you need to tick all the applicable options , so that Youtube can find the most remunerative format to display.

For example, if you want only skippable ads, then the day when there won t be any stock left of that type of ad, you won t have any ads at all.

Here is what you need ot tick:

For videos less than 10 minutes:

  • display ads 
  • overlapping ads  ( these are the adwords that appear, the sidebars displayed at the bottom of the video)
  • skippable video ads 
  • non-skippable video ads and long non-skippable ads

For videos more than 10 minutes:

  • display ads 
  • overlapping ads  ( these are the adwords that appear, the sidebars displayed at the bottom of the video)
  • skippable video ads 
  • non-skippable video ads and long non-skippable ads
  • In "ads cuts": " before the video" and "insert an ad" (the latter is called "midrolls")
  • Midrolls can be activated, but it requires a bit more work (see after)

But don't tick: "after the video" in "ads cuts"

Trap#3: I forget to monetise my live's replays

lives still have impact after their streaming. You need to make sure to monetise the records with all the options described above.

Trap#4 I don t monetise copies,even though i have all the rights in "activate Content ID correspondences"

If your video is your own creation, that doesn t use any piece of video or audio belonging to someone else,then you can activate correspondences of the content identification system.

In that case, your video become THE reference, and any other videos that use a piece (more than 20 seconds) of your video, even modified, can automatically  claimed. Thus, the selected utilisation rule can be applied.

With "monetize in all countries", all copies of your video/ parts of your videos will be monetised to your benefit.

This option is advised against gamers (specifically videos including home pages or features of videos games) and communal channels (risking to be claimed).

Trap#5: I don't use midrolls for very long contents

Recently, Youtube allowed a new type of ads: midrolls. Roughhly speaking, it is an instream ad that can be displayed where you want in your video.

You just need to move the blue slider to choose the place and click on "insert an ad".

Any midroll ads have to be spaced of at least 7 minutes after the previous ad (including the ad at the beggining and end of the video).

Be careful to not risk to overload the viewers with too many ad cuts, but for 1 hour or 1 hour and half long streamings you can allow 1 or 2 cuts...

Trap#6 I use dirty or bad words in my title / description

Youtube doesn t like vulgarity, and can remove a part or the whole ads from these types of videos.

more infos on this link: Attention aux grossièretés !

Trap#7: I use music or pieces of videos that are not mine

In that case, you will receive an email like "infos related to your video...", this means that a copyright claim was made (someone who has the rights over your video). this can lead to the loss of all your revenue for this video, or lead to a geographical block, or the delete of ads. 

More information on copyright claims on your video and the impact on monetisation

More information on the flexibility you have to retrieve your monetisation.

To avoid any trouble, use music free of copyright. If you would like to use copyrighted music, pleas read the following article:

Reconnaissance Automatique de Musique sur YouTube, le test


So, don't forget to claim your videos and apply the good ads options, and as soon as you uploaded the video. If you have any question or need any advise on a sensitive and complicated topic, don t hesitate to contact your channel manager. 

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