Power your Influencer Marketing with Data



Pay per use




Classification :
- Country/Language
- Group (30 industry groups)
- Categories/Topics (60)
- Games played and liked
- Keywords and expertise index
- Videolist
- Channel's network
- % of Shorts videos
Performance :
- Potential 30-days views,
- Total views/fans/engagement
- Views evolution
- Wizdeo Analytics' score
- Number of videos/posts, last X-days views
- Total number of YouTube subscribers, Facebook fans, Instagram & Twitter followers and evolution on last X days
Engagement : Total likes, dislikes, comments, shares and rates        
Audience :
- Demography
- Location
- Reliability index
- Maturity
Proximity index with other channels        
Media campaign filters:
- Number of paid views
- Number of organic views
- Placements proximity index
Sponsoring filters :
- Brands
- Influencer / Ambassadors
- View performances and ranking compared to estimated potential
- Estimated pricing for mention/dedicated/post/story per influencer
    Limited on your brand and influencers  Limited on your brand and 1 competitor 


Pay per use




Unlimited Influencers search on YouTube, Twitch and Twitter based on above filters            
Unlimited videos search on YouTube, Twitch and Twitter based on above filters            
Brand dashboard :
- Activity over the last 90 days : number of influencers, average subscribers, % renewal, view performances, estimated budget
- Influencer's audience, category, engagement
- List of latest influencers
- List of lastest sponsored videos
- Suggested new influencers based on history
- Performance benchmark
    Limited on your brand and influencers  Limited on your brand and 1 competitor 
Sponsored campaign module :
- Managing tool for your influencers (pricing, validation, status, priority)
- Overall expected performances
- Overall audience (démography & geography)
- Valuation estimation
- Potential guaranteed performances by Wizdeo
- Campaign follow-up and reporting
Benchmark tools:
- Subscribers/views/score rankings (country/worldwide/category)
- Views/subs/engagement evolution comparison with one or several peers
- SEO ranking
YouTube dashboard:
- Views, subscribers, posts/videos, engagement performances
- Advanced overall analytics and statistics per video
- Channels with similar audience

cost 10 credits
Channels with similar audience        
YouTube channel profile:
- Audience demography
- Audience geography
- Average 30-days videos views
- Average engagement rate

cost 10 credits
CSV Export
cost 10 credits
 30 exports / month 30 exports / month   30 exports / month
Channel groupe creation:        
Alert on a creator(s) / video(s) performances        
YouTube Brand channel optimization tools:
- SEO optimization tool
- Annotations and playlists optimization tools
YouTube comments tracking        
Advanced benchmark tools:
- Share of voice (YouTube)
- Top brand advertisers by paid views
- Top brand media campaigns by paid views
- Paid campaigns comparator by brands and video
Media campaign optimization tools:
- Branded content amplification with AdWords placements




Basic support:
- 2 hours training
- Technical Support
- Updates
Premium support:
- 2 hours training
- Technical Support
- Updates
- Dedicated Account Manager
- Unlimited access for consulting, remote training (1 user max)
- 1,5 mandays / month max

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