header vidcon Part 2

There is a lot of opportunities for you as explained in our previous article but challenges remain : how can you be aware that there is an opportunity for you ? And among several opportunities, how can you choose the best one(s), those you should put effort in ?


There are 3 main challenges for you creators looking for opportunities to grow audience & revenues:

vidcon part 2 Challenge EN


For an influencer, seeing all the opportunities which he could benefit from is important. For example, most of the time, the brand or agency is the one that contacts an influencer to make a sponsored video, but the influencer is certainly not aware of all existing brand opportunities. Or, in France most of YouTubers don’t know that they can increase their revenue many times (some double their YouTube revenues ! ) just by applying to join a collective royalty organism. Getting 360° visibility on opportunities is key to diversifying influencers revenues.


The reverse is true: in a digital world, where businesses are looking for influencers to help them, they don’t need, like your subscribers, to get information about your latest uploaded video, they want to know what kind of audience is going to see a video which you are going to make for them: true not only for brands, but also for any video distributor. Or they want to know whether your own influencer brand is strong enough to be able to sell a lot of T-shirts through their store...This means providing them with visibility on your data, not on your videos. 

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getting visibility is just the first step: the next one is to find an opportunity matching your profile : how can you know, and how can your potential business partner know if your partnership is a good fit for you ? Which KPIs are important for both of you ? For a brand content campaign it’s for example important to know if you fit the brand’s criteria but also if it fits your audience expectations to keep your image. 



Comparing each opportunity to find the most profitable means being able to determine which is the most relevant regarding your objective, image, strategy, schedule, and of course which one brings the best revenues at the least cost…The big challenge there is to be able to find a common way, or common metrics, to judge side by side very different opportunities. 


In a market where influence is a currency widely demanded, enhancing your visibility towards businesses and getting visibility from them, then matching with partners, and finally prioritising opportunities, are for an influencer the three key steps to grow and optimize his revenues. Those challenges can be quite different from being creative and building a community around your creativity, and those challenges are intertwined with the use of data. 


At Wizdeo, it’s our goal to help you reach your goals and find more revenues to live your passion, don’t hesitate to contact us if you want know more.


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