Wiztracker's Score represents the views and subs of a specific YouTube channel. It has been designed so that its maximum value reaches 1000 and to take into account not only the total number of views and subs but also their short term evolution to be more dynamic especially with trending channels.

View Top 10 below or on Wiztracker (requires Premium account to filter on Brands only)

With almost 100 million videos tracked by Wiztracker, we sorted out which ones among the videos published in 2014 by all known Brands got the most views.

Deeper analysis through Wiztracker Premium features would allow you to even find out which ones performed the best during their 1st month after publication.

View results below

Wiztracker is tracking over 15 000 Brands (and even more in 2015) who own a YouTube channel. Most Brands will go for paid views as opposed to natural views but some of them did really good in 2014.

View Top 10 below or on Wiztracker (requires Premium account to filter on Brands only)

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